Declaring A New Path! – Divine Economy Theory Audiobooks

If you noticed I’ve changed my focus to producing audiobooks about the economy: this is my new strategy. This is what I should know best – my own strategy – and so this is my declaration of a new path and this is a story that I can speak about. Even though it is my story I’m sure that you will be able to relate to the struggles, and possibly find a nugget or two to help you on your own entrepreneurial path.

The fact of the matter is that I am changing directions. I thought I was cruising along but I realized that the road I was traveling on was not going to get me to where I wanted to go. Now that I am changing directions I also have to shift gears because I need some new skills. It’s almost like starting over and starting in low gear!

Like you I feel the disarray which is exceptionally intense right now because the market is under attack, but the disarray is not that bad, really. Some of the skills I learned before, to accelerate and shift into the higher gears, will come in handy on this new highway. You and I are constantly learning and the fact of the matter is that we adults learn from a disoriented life. It’s sort of like “No pain, No gain!”

One thing that is needed is an audiobook about raw, real, honest economics. In the past I passed on producing audiobooks because my books have many diagrams. That is no longer a barrier. We’ll be starting on this journey together with the first book in the divine economy theory series “More Than Laissez-Faire”.

Alternative Macroeconomic Textbook

It’s easy to get caught up in the negatives like “I coulda, shoulda” but we are only kidding ourselves if we think that the next time that we will look back we will say “It happened just like I thought it would.” And besides, what fun would that be to not have learned anything along the way!

2019 was an epic year for me. I started out thinking that I needed to learn how to market and then I felt like a treasure hunter who found a buried chest full of gems. I was as content as I could be and I felt certain that I had everything I needed. I poured in many hours of hard work knowing that when I built my sales funnel I could drive traffic to it and be off and running. (Epic fail perhaps!)

“Not so fast buddy. Have you played the Facebook ads game?”

I used the $5/day strategy with niched audiences of 6 influencers with interests parallel to mine and barely got any clicks let alone any sales. I tweaked numerous times and ways with no success.

Thankfully I tuned in one day to the Economics for Entrepreneurs podcast and heard an interview with the marketing guru Mark Schaefer. He made it clear that marketing has moved into a new era where people shut off advertising. People control what they see and hear and don’t like to have their space invaded. Those who understand this understand that marketing has now gone in a different direction. It’s all about trust.

Who do people trust? They trust those who they know. So, then, who are the best marketers? People are the best marketers.

This marketing age that we are in is all about building relationships with people so they then willingly and sincerely market what you have to offer. There can be no relationship without authenticity.

This REAL marketing requires that you and I be ourselves. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! That is exactly what we need for our transformation to take place.

When you leave behind the old marketing methodology there will be less stress in your life and you will be continually becoming more and more your authentic self. This is where you will find love (of life, of yourself, and of others) and that is what builds relationships!

Go here to be notified about when each Facebook Live audiobook session goes live. Let your friends know about this series also. 

Take care.