Inflation is bribery, INFLATION IS A FORM OF BRIBERY.

Definition: Bribery refers to the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty.

Inflation is bribery, INFLATION IS A FORM OF BRIBERY.

Hanging in the balance is Anisa’life. After a long trek with much hardships Anisa arrives at the doctor’s office but once there she was confronted with a wall of arbitrary rules. Not coincidentally the clerk ‘can be persuaded’ to speed up the process. Unfortunate for Anisa someone named Hugo, who was very wealthy, was also there to be treated for his minor chronic aliment. Knowing how the system worked Hugo bribed the clerk and was given priority while Anisa languished. Whether the delayed treatment that Anisa later received was enough to save her I don’t know.

Bribery is an affront to human decency in three ways

  1. It dispenses injustice,
  2. It favors the ‘haves’ over the ‘have-nots’; the connected over the unconnected.
  3. It breeds unethical behavior.

Pumping in money via selected channels of distribution cannot help but build unjust institutions. Just in this one sentence the evidence is stark. Creating money to pump into the system is counterfeiting and selecting special interests to receive the money is cronyism.

What favors do the creators of the money get for this kind of accommodation?

In turn, what favors are expected in return for permission to create this new money?

Inflation is bribery, INFLATION IS A FORM OF BRIBERY.

Clearly there are those who benefit but what we are talking about here is its institutionalization. The promoters of these institutions benefit and gain control of others by becoming the gatekeepers. Those who become gatekeepers have powerful leverage to yield; seeking outcomes that favor themselves or the institution of the State.

Those who have nothing to offer to the gatekeepers cannot compete with those who make offerings or concessions. How very subtle is this form of bribery. It is not the blatant kind that people think about, but it is very pernicious. In fact it becomes the ‘way of life’ in this culture of bribery.

That culture of bribery is manifest as a palpable ‘dependency’ upon this perverted ‘ethical’ system. No one wants to ‘rock the boat’. ‘Everyone else does it’ is the common mind set. It seems that the morphed, unethical goal is to become one of the ones who is a gatekeeper or who is favored by the gatekeeper.

Inflation is bribery, INFLATION IS A FORM OF BRIBERY.

FACT: The granting of the monopoly privilege over money entices the central bank to accommodate the growth of statism. As one of the chief ‘givers and receivers’ of bribes; the institution of the State benefits greatly from being a bedfellow with the central bank.

Question: In light of the definition of bribery how is it possible to ignore all of these evident characteristics in the relationship between the central bank and the State?

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