As you will see, every economic concept and principle finds a home in the divine economy model. Noticing their relative tendencies and their relationship to other principles enhances economic understanding.
Diagram 4a: All economic concepts and principles can find a home in at least one of these quadrants.
This diagram above: Divine Economy and Its Real World Economic Principles
Diagram 4b: Via deduction these economic concepts fit well in the Human Spirit / Order quadrant.
Diagram 4f: Via deduction these economic concepts fit well in the Order / Transformation quadrant.
Diagram 4k: Via deduction these economic concepts fit well in the Transformation / Law quadrant.
Diagram 4r: Via deduction these economic concepts fit well in the Law / Human Spirit quadrant.
What is truly amazing and significant is that this model easily incorporates all economic concepts and principles and contributes to a greater understanding of the economy.
Read Chapter Four in More Than Laissez-Faire to get the full presentation of this content.