Where does consumerism overlap with the divine economy? A lot has to do with examining the definitions and with using logic and critical thinking to put things into perspective. Listen to this podcast.
It’s funny how definitions in this age of moral relativity are laced with undertones that steer the meaning in a particular direction. To avoid that pitfall we need to look at the points and the counterpoints.
Let’s assume that consumerism is a negative effect on the economy that is derived from a perverse attitude towards things. The confusion here is to equate consumerism with materialism. There is some overlap but they are not the same thing.
Examining cause and effect helps to bring clarity to this issue. Humans consume therefore they are consumers yet if they are enamored with worldliness then they are materialistic. Persons who are not caught up in the materialistic rat race for more and more are still consumers which makes it clear that it is incorrect to pronounce a normative judgment on consumerism. To put things in proper perspective it is materialism that is the problem.
What has created a culture of materialism worldwide? There is a spiritual reason but here in this post we are addressing the topic of economics. Is there an economic reason or an economic system that distorts ‘reality’ and distracts people? Consider this: all nations practice Keynesian economics and by that I mean they use economic interventionism to manipulate fiscal and monetary policy to stimulate consumption. Could it be more clear where consumerism comes from? All nations practice Keynesian economics and all nations are trying to stimulate consumption as the economic panacea. Now imagine all these national resources being used to push this agenda via the ‘education’ system and via the media. Everyone is propagandized to believe that consumerism is necessary and maybe even a necessary evil.
When this so-called consumerism is accepted blindly it is an evil. When the cause of this perverse tendency to consume is ignored or even concealed from critical thinking it is evil. But it is definitely not necessary. Keynesian ‘economics’ is fallacious and the long run consequences of this perversion is actually the annihilation of true consumerism.
Remember consumerism is not what you think. It is not a negative, It is not the same as materialism. It is a manifestation of human existence. We consume. We are sovereign in that regard. Take a look at yourself and take a look at your pure self. You eat an apple. That is not because you are trying to dominate anyone, it is because you are hungry, and you happen to enjoy the deliciousness of an apple.
Whatever it is that makes people happy has the possibility of being consumed. If something is not desired it will not be consumed and so it will not be produced. Consumption is the indicator that what is being consumed is desired and valued and that it makes things better and that it served sovereign individuals like you and me and every one of the billions of people on the earth. Consumerism is the natural process that conveys the truth about how humans exist and sustain themselves.
Notice something: production must precede consumption. You can’t eat an apple if it was never grown!
Here is where the fallacy of Keynesianism becomes glowingly apparent. Production requires capital and capital requires savings. Artificially stimulating consumption via fiscal and monetary interventionism consumes capital. It causes malinvestment and overconsumption. Both of these consume capital which undermines production which means that the ability to produce the goods and services desired for consumption will evaporate.
What we now know is: the consumerism that is regarded as harmful and that mirrors materialism is the consequence of the ego-driven interventionism inherent in Keynesian ‘economics’. One of the best cures for this ailment is the divine economy theory and I encourage you to read about the divine economy theory.
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